蒙娜丽莎任务是由Sergio Manfio执导、约翰尼·扬·博施,谢拉米·李,Bryce Papenbrook,Faith Graham主演的电影,在意大利上映播出,In the late Middle Age's Italy, Leonardo "Leo" Da Vinci is a young boy lover to invent advanced machines who lives happy with his best friend Lorenzo and beauty Lisa, being secretly fall in love with her. After to test the first dive suit of his creation in a lake, tragedy appears when coming back to home Lisa realizes that her house and lands have been burned by a fire. Owner of the lands threats Lisa's father to marry her with his son if he doesn't give all money he debts as retribution by the fire, causing Lisa's sorrow. Trying to save her, Leo Da Vinci www.zhuihd.com decides travel to Florencia to gain money and pay the debt with help of Lorenzo. Unable to keep the secret, Lorenzo reveals Lisa Leo's plans, and Lisa joins her friends to make the travel to the big city, where they meet a storyteller that explains in a plaza the story of a pirate ship sunken with a great treasure inside it. Believing it as a true event, Leo buys the treasure map to the storyteller, but it's stolen by a rogue and ......新视觉电影院提供了蒙娜丽莎任务在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看蒙娜丽莎任务,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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