完美武器是由JohnMaggio执导、JohnMaggio主演的电影,在美国上映播出,Based on a best-selling book by New York Times national security correspondent David E. Sanger, The Perfect Weapon explores the rise of cyber conflict as the primary way nations now compete with and sabotage one another. Directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker John Maggio (Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis) and featuring interviews with top military, intelligence, and political officials on the frontlines of cyberterrorism, the documentary brings to light the combatants and innocent victims caught in the crosshairs of a hidden war that has been going on for decades — a war that America started, but has no idea how to finish. Traveling from the deserts of Iran and Las Vegas to the back alleys of Beijing and Moscow, the film chronicles America's pursuit of enemies who have plotted against its institutions, its economy, and its democracy. A never-before-seen look inside the secret world of spies, hackers, and scammers in the lead-up to the 2020 U.S. elec《完美武器》根据纽约时报国家安全记者大卫·E·桑格的畅销书改编,探讨了网络冲突的兴起,这是各国现在相互竞争和相互破坏的主要方式。 这部纪录片由获得艾美奖的电影制片人约翰·马吉奥(恐慌:2008 年金融危机的不为人知的故事)执导,采访了网络恐怖主义前线的高级军事、情报和政治官员,揭示了陷入困境的战斗人员和无辜受害者。一场持续了数十年的隐藏战争的十字准线——一场美国开始但不知道如何结束的战争。 这部电影从伊朗和拉斯维加斯的沙漠旅行到北京和莫斯科的后巷,记录了美国追捕阴谋反对其制度、经济和民主的敌人。在 2020 年美国大选前夕,间谍、黑客和诈骗者对网络攻击的恐惧已达到历史最高水平,《完美武器》及时反映了最终价格——以及潜在的“胜利者”——这场高风险的冲突。tions, for which fear of cyberattacks has mounted to an all-time high, The Perfect Weapon is a timely reflection on the ultimate price — and potential "victors" — of this high-stakes conflict....新视觉电影院提供了完美武器在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看完美武器,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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