平原枪声2010是由赵浚凯执导、董勇,王学兵,赵子惠主演的电影,在大陆上映播出, 抗日战争爆发,冀中平原上,地主大户组建的会道门互相械斗,散兵游勇组成民军,草头王自封司令,老百姓人心惶惶。马英、苏建梅、王二虎等抗日战士,依靠群众与以中村、杨百顺、刘正中为首的日寇、汉奸展开了殊死斗争。他们与共产党地下工作者郑敬之密切配合,敌后作战和隐蔽斗争相互呼应,发动群众,智取枪支,建立武装,攻占炮楼,巧杀汉奸,识破叛徒,粉碎“扫荡”......,一次又一次挫败日、伪的阴谋。他们这一支仅有“土装备”的八路军游击队,出生入死,前仆后继,浴血奋战,终于将敌人彻底消灭,用鲜血和生命谱写了一曲波澜壮阔的民族解放之歌。 War broke out, Jizhong plain, the landlord large established will be door each other fights, stragglers formed China Army, Cao Touwang self-styled commander, people panic. Ma Ying, Su Jianmei, Wang Erhu and other anti-Japanese fighters, relying on the masses and to the village, Yang Baishun, Liu China led the Japanese invaders, traitors launched a desperate struggle. They and the Communist underground workers Zheng Jingzhi closely with, enemy combat, and hidden struggles echoed, mobilize the masses, outsmart guns, the creation of armed, assault towers, skillfully kill a traitor, to see through a traitor, smash "against "......, thwarted the day, false conspiracy. Them that one only "land and equipment," the Eighth Route Army guerrillas, highlighted the danger, fought, bloody battles, finally the enemy completely eliminated, with their blood and life, he composed a magnificent national liberation song....新视觉电影院提供了平原枪声2010在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看平原枪声2010,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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