骇人命案事件簿 第八季是由彼得·史密斯执导、约翰·纳特尔斯,约翰·霍普金斯,菲利普·马丁·布朗,Mary Jo Randle主演的电影,在英国上映播出, Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of Fletcher's Cross. The man's wife thinks he committed suicide but the pathologist determines he was killed. The man died soon after his return home after attending a service at the local spiritualist church, itself the source of some controversy in the village. As the investigation progresses, the police learn that Pennyman was generally disliked. Former employees, business partners and others all had a grudge against him of one sort or another. Barnaby believes the head of the Spiritualist church to be a charlatan and while there is a link to the ever increasing number of murder victims, the solution to the crimes is to be found in an illicit love affair....新视觉电影院提供了骇人命案事件簿 第八季在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看骇人命案事件簿 第八季,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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