偷龙转凤是由执导、查亚鹏·朱利·普帕特,泽纶娅·秀利隆坤泽坤,西提达·萨帕努查主演的电影,在泰国上映播出,贾拉韦和托姆奈是仆人,他们必须去省里找他们的主人,碰巧在火车上相遇。他们互相介绍说,他们是富裕家庭的孩子,后来发现不是,只是仆人一样。。。。。Jarawee和Tomnai决定把目标换成对方大师,Thippayarng是Jarawee的,甜甜的,温柔的,软软的脑袋。她必须一直由杰拉维照顾时间。Thongchan是Tomnai的,玩家和轻浮的,总是在工作上得到Tomnai的帮助。他们终于达到了目标。通查恩迷恋上了贾拉韦的美貌,因为蒂帕扬被汤姆奈的长相和甜美所吸引。终于为两对夫妇结婚了。。。。。但是没有成功,汤姆奈决定离婚,因为无聊的提帕扬软头。她总是听别人的,然后把问题推到他身上。与此同时,通查恩觉得自己被贾拉威压倒了,因为她很聪明,可以为他工作。他妈妈非常爱她。最终也会离婚。。。。。Jarawee和Tomnai在火车上重聚,就像他们第一天见面一样。他们决定互相介绍自己的真实面目,不再犹豫 Jarawee and Tomnai are servant who must go to province for their master, coincidentally meet in train. They introduce to each other that they're a child in wealthy family, later find out its not, just servant the same . . . . . Jarawee and Tomnai decide to change their goal to each other master, Thippayarng is Jarawee's, sweet, gentle and soft head. She must be taken care by Jarawee all the time. Thongchan is Tomnai's, player and frivolous, always be helped on work by Tomnai. They finally reach the goal. Thongcharn have crush on Jarawee for her beauty as Thippayang is attrated by Tomnai's look and sweet. Finally get marriaged for two couples . . . . . But it isn't worked, Tomnai decide to divorce because bored of Thippayang soft head. She always listen to other one and start the problem on him. Meanwhile, Thongcharn feel like to overpowered by Jarawee because she's smart and can work for him. His mother love her so much. Eventually divorce as well . . . . . Jarawee and Tomnai are reunion on train like the first day they met. They decide to introduce to each other for their true color not decieve anymore (Source:thaidramatic_update)...新视觉电影院提供了偷龙转凤在线观看,并且还可以支持手机看偷龙转凤,不需要下载播放器,方便广大影迷观看。
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